Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jerusalem Post

Yocheved Miriam Russo wrote up an article in the Jerusalem Post about the merging of two great organizations, Table to Table and Leket, into Leket Israel. I had taken my family a couple of times to volunteer and pick fruit and she interviewed me about the experience. In the print article (slightly different from the online one), it mentions FREEZEE! People over the weekend started asking me what a Freezee is!

The plan is to have the first machine picked up in Texas this week and flown to Israel to be checked out by the Machon Hatekanim.

This morning, a former Teaneck resident volunteered the thought, that Freezee is better since it is sparkling. So few people realize why the Freezee (ICEE or Slurpee) is so much better than a plain Barad. We have a lot of work ahead of us in educating the Israeli population.


  1. In your education of Israel, are you going to cover 'blue is not a flavor, it is a color'?


    I am an avid Slurpee enjoy-er (I think I am just making up words as I go along) and have only heard the term 'Freezee' when referring to those long ice pops you can get in soda pop and fruit (I use the term loosely) flavors. Though upon a quick Google search, I realise those are Freezies. Spelling can be everything!

    Wishing you much luck! :)

  2. So Yasher, did you taste the Blue Freezee yet! Actually, the blue is purple in 2 of the locations and tastes different than the blue in Efrat. Only the color is different but I still think it tastes a little different.
    We now have Cola, Chillin' Cherry, Raspberry Blast and Mountain Mist.
    We may be getting Chocolate in two months! Never tried it.
