Monday, August 16, 2010

Pizzeria Efrat Becomes a Super Freezee Location!

I can't believe that it has been two months since using Blogger to keep you up to date on the excitement at Freezee!
Today we installed a machine in Efrat! Thanks to the Goodmans who own this great pizza store, the machine is self serve. What a hit that makes. People love to fill their own cups! You can mix flavors or be a purist and pick one of the three flavors to fill your cup up to the very top. Even the kids have been quite neat about filling the cups and it's sure much more fun!
Pizzeria Efrat must have sold about 100 cups today! I left after about 2 hours and watched about 40-50 cups get filled. One kid even came back - he wanted more - and gave another 10 shekel to refill his cup and walked back out.
I posted a few pictures on the Facebook page. If you know any of these people let them know their pictures are on Facebook.